I have been dreading the first day of school all summer. Actually, I think I've been dreading this day since Wade was born, knowing that with a disability he would be starting school at the young age of 3. But, my fears were totally in vain, and I even had to eat some words on the second day of school! When we met in May for Wade's ARD/IEP, I decided that he would only attend PPCD 3 out of 5 days. Yes, I was totally keeping my son in a bubble because of MY fears! On Tuesday morning I had to surrender my fears and tell Wade's teacher that he will be attending school four days instead of three. (She had been trying to convince me to send him all five days, and she won!) The only reason he's not going that fifth day is because he has OT/PT on Thursday mornings and speech Thursday afternoons. She was thrilled and even said, "See Wade. I told you she'd change her mind!"
So, needless to say, Wade is completely happy at school. I think it's a wonderful environment, and I feel completely comfortable leaving him there. I was amazed on Monday when we walked by the principal and she said, "Hi Wade." We have not seen this lady since May. I think he is going to make tremendous strides!
First Day of School picture
Riding to school
Saying hi to the teacher
Playing with blocks
Checking out his new friends
All in all, this has been a very positive experience. Wade was worn out on Monday and took a three hour nap. I had to wake him to go to speech. Tuesday he did well also. This morning, I think the busy week is starting to catch up to him. He was very cranky and cried when we got into the classroom. I anticipate a long nap this afternoon!
How exciting. Glad you had such a positive experience. Whst type of seating does Wade have for school? We are looking at seating now and I want to get something supportive and versatile. The tray looks great too.
Please visit my blog and comment on the Toys R Us Differently-Abled catalogue. Please ask any other special needs Mom's you know to do the same. Cath
Kara--He goes to school in the adaptive stroller you see in the pictures. He just got a power chair yesterday, so eventually he'll go in that. However, they are great about keeping him out of his chair as much as possible. They use the big Bumbo by Childrite for circle time. They've also ordered a stander and some rifton chairs. I believe they mentioned something about the Tumbleform chairs. Plus, they put him on the floor and let him roll around a lot too. I do NOT provide the seating for school. That's their responsibility:-) For home, I use the big Bumbo, and cube chair--when I'm working with him, and an old car seat for when I need to get things done and he can sit alone. I'm looking into new seating, and I think I'm leaning towards the Soft Touch Sitter with Tilt Wedge by Special Tomato.
So glad Wade's school experience has turned out so well. I too am working on getting past MY own fears for Brock, so that I don't inhibit instead of help him progress. His first week of Kindergarten turned out WAY better than I ever imagined! This momma bird is trying REALLY hard to let her baby bird FLY! It's hard sometimes though when you just want to protect them.
Here's hoping week 2 goes as well as week 1 did for all us...
Take Care,
Stacey Danford
(Brock's mom)
Wow Jennifer! Thanks so much for your response, very helpful for me. We don't have anything but a bean bag and Maclaren stroller, as we were in Egypt for nearly first two years of Sebastian's life. In Canada it's a different story with what's available. I am looking into those things you mentioned today! We tried a bubo chair when Seb was a baby but he just hunched over, didn't know they make bigger ones. Thanks again.
Gorgeous pictures!
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